
Team Fortress 2 Update To Fix Community Made Exploits

Team Fortress 2 Badwater Exploit

Valve's upcoming patch for Team Fortress 2 deals exclusively in community content, including two all-new custom-built maps.

Team Fort 2 has been intimately knotted to Steamer's Workshop for deuce years, and for the most part IT's worked out well for Valve. Not only has the hat-and-weapons-based economy grown by leaps and bounds, the developer was able to release an entire official update based exclusively on community content. Unfortunately, beneficial as all this custom sugar may be, information technology carries certain drawbacks in-game. The original TF2 maps weren't intentional to accommodate hundreds of additive items, directional to unforeseen bugs and exploits that players can capitalize of. Accordant to Valve, Team Fortress 2's incoming update goes a long room towards fixing the problem, and too includes two community maps for your gambling pleasure.

"TF2 has been evolving since the day we released information technology back in 2007," a Squad Fortress 2 blog Charles William Post reads. "Unfortunately, as players' manoeuvre and abilities have grown, so have the bugs and exploits in some of the maps. For example, since Badwater shipped in The Worrisome Update, TF2 has added more than 140 weapons to the game, some of which introduced new capabilities: sentry jumping, rocket jumping with no health cost, the ability to piece up and move your buildings. All of these are just a divide of the more ways players can now turn back maps like Badwater upside down."

The post goes on to draw how players can "sentry jump" weapons to outer-of-reach rooftops, Oregon construct buildings exclusive a team's spawn point. In response, Valve has eliminated a number of exploits across well-nig maps, rebalancing Team Fortress 2 for anyone unknown with the exploits. "While we love players coming raised with new and imaginative ways to win," the post continues, "let's face it: It's never fun to be gunned down from above and behind."

Every bit comprehensive as the update would already equal, IT will let in more than just exploit fixes. Valve previously stated that it will feature gold superstar, community of interests-made content, and has revealed two Capture Breaker point maps as teasers. Created by Ian Cuslidge, each correspondenc powerfully embodies TF2's iconic environments, but were hand-picked for their intuitive layouts and lack of visual noise.

Valve has promised to place additional details along the update as we approach its release. Still, I have to wonder: If Valve uses an update to posit custom exploits, but packs it with more biotic community content, how long will information technology be before we need yet other comprehensive bug fix?

Germ: Team up Fortress 2, via Joystiq


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