
Advantages and Disadvantages of Personal Space in Communication

For the past few decades, there has been an ongoing trend in office space planning, moving from private space for each employee to a more open space design. The jury is still out with regard to the value of open space. If you're ready to embark on an office redesign, here are a few of the points to consider about each of these approaches.

Private Spaces

I'm sure you're familiar with the setup. When you get to work, you enter your private office or cubicle, within which walls you'll spend most of your work day.

  • Pros
  • Your walls (and door, if you have one) give you the privacy you need to deal with sensitive information and make phone calls.
  • Interruptions are minimized, as co-workers are less likely to disturb your personal / private space, unless they really need something.
  • It's easier to work on projects that necessitate your focus and attention, you can keep your individual productivity high.
  • Noise levels tend to be reduced, as the sound from conversations and even music in an individual office doesn't really carry through the walls.
  • Cons
  • It's more difficult to communicate with your co-workers. In order to collaborate, you need to leave your private office space and go to theirs, away from your own workspace.
  • There's less opportunity to meet employees in other areas of the company.
  • Since you're working either alone, or in a closed circle of co-workers, there's less interaction and exchange of ideas with other groups.

Open Office Space

This is the more modern approach, with fewer or no walls and barriers. This type of office layout generally includes a large, open common area.

  • Pros
  • It's easy to change the arrangement of desks and other furniture as needed to facilitate collaborative projects or impromptu meetings.
  • No walls means there are no barriers to communication, so ideas can flow freely amongst the team members.
  • It's a cost-saver, as you can fit more employees in the same amount of real estate, and can rely upon natural lighting in the open space.
  • Cons
  • There may actually be a decrease in productivity, due to the increase in distractions.
  • Sounds carries far and quite loudly through the open space, which may disrupt concentration and interfere with phone calls.
  • Although exchange of ideas can be done easily in this setup, there's also the risk of excessive off-topic conversations which waste time and reduce productivity.
  • Shy or introverted employees may not feel comfortable being surrounded by their co-workers all day long. Others, used to working independently, make feel that they're being watched or even surveilled all through their work day.

Which is best for your office?

Clearly there are advantages and disadvantages to both of these arrangements. Keep in mind that what works best for one company is not necessarily the best for another. Your decision should consider factors including the company culture you're trying to cultivate, your goals, and the work styles of your team. You may chose to include both open and private spaces in your office plan.

Why not give a call to the office space planning experts at Cal Bennetts? We'll more than happy to help you evaluate your options and come up with the best plan for your company's needs.

Office Space Planning & Design in 5 Easy Steps

Topics: Office Furniture

Advantages and Disadvantages of Personal Space in Communication


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